Iron City Rifle Works

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Iron City Rifle Works Advance Bolt Carrier Groups for Sale

Iron City Rifle Works

Iron City Rifle Works has made a name for itself by offering the competitive shooting community quality AR-15 components like none other on the market. While they began their mission intending to bring the best competition equipment featuring the most advanced materials and coating to market, they’ve done much more. Whether you’re a competition shooter in the market for a lightweight bolt carrier group or a range rat who wants superior performance in a standard mass bolt carrier group, Iron City Rifle Works understand what you need and works to bring it to you every day.

For the Competitor

Iron City Rifle Works offers a line of lightweight competition bolt carrier groups that offer outstanding performance, amazing lubricity, and workmanship that will stand up against the competition no matter who they are. Iron City Rifle Works’ Copperhead and BlackDiamond finishes are the slickest and most durable coatings on the range. Their TiN bolt carrier groups are as eye-catching as they are accurate. The only one who One-ups Iron City is Iron City. Whatever finish you choose, the only thing you’re going to find that outdoes and Iron City Rifle Works bolt carrier group is another Iron City bolt carrier group. Add a titanium firing pin in your choice of coatings and make that razor's edge just a little sharper than you ever thought it could be.

Advanced Performance for Everyone

Iron City Rifle Works offers bolt carrier groups for the casual shooter as well as the competitive marksman with the same great attention to detail. After all, everyone deserves quality and performance. Iron City offers bolt carrier groups with the most advanced, durable coatings available in the open market. You don’t have to commit to lightweight or ultra-light components to take advantage of advanced coatings with self-lubricity that allows for longer wear, reduced fouling, and easier cleaning. Iron City’s line of drop-in, standard weight bolt carrier groups is ready to replace the Mil-spec bolt carrier group in your favorite rifle without skipping a beat.

Wing Tactical and Iron City Rifle Works

Wing Tactical is happy to bring our customers Iron City Rifle Works’ fine products. We believe that every shooter deserves access to the best quality components whether they compete or not, and offering Iron City’s products to our customers is another excellent way we can be sure that’s happening.